The Importance of Adolescent Mental Health

The Importance of Adolescent Mental Health

About 1 in 7 teens struggle with a mental health disorder, according to the World Health Organization. Untreated mental health disorders can severely impact an adolescent’s life, potentially interfering with their relationships, education, and self-esteem. Keep reading to learn why adolescent mental health is so important, and several ways in which a teen’s mental health can impact their quality of life, for better or for worse.

Embrace U offers adolescent mental healthcare programs to families in Middle Tennessee. Our intensive outpatient program and partial hospitalization program helps adolescents (ages 10-18) develop the communication and coping skills needed to recover from a mental health challenge. We keep parents informed and offer family therapy to fully support your child’s mental health journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take back control of your life.

Why is Adolescent Mental Health Important?

When a teen is mentally healthy they are more likely to reach their developmental and emotional milestones, feel more comfortable in social situations, and learn how to cope when they encounter problems. Adolescents with good mental health have a positive quality of life, function well at home, school and in their communities.

Unfortunately, many teens experiencing a mental health challenge don’t recognize that what they may be feeling whether it be persistent feelings of chronic anxiety or sadness, is not normal and should not be something they “deal with” alone. While adolescent mental health disorders may be prevalent, this does not undermine the importance of seeking mental health treatment if a child is struggling with a mental illness. Mental health and well-being can impact virtually all areas of your child’s life.

If your child is struggling with a mental disorder, it’s critical that you seek professional help to better manage their symptoms. Untreated mental disorders can cause your child to resort to unhealthy coping strategies, potential isolation, and develop a negative view of life. 

5 Ways Mental Health Can Impact a Teen’s Life

Good mental health is not simply the absence of a mental disorder. Many schools have started to prioritize students’ mental health to prevent or address behavioral disorders. We know that focusing on social skills, communication, and emotional development helps build positive growth climates. Let’s look at how mental health impacts the life of a teenager.

1.    Physical Health

Mental health and overall well-being can impact your teen’s physical health. For example, if they have a difficult time managing anxiety, this can result in negatively impacting their sleep which can in the long run negatively impact their overall physical health and wellness. Sleep isn’t the only area of a teenager’s life that can suffer at the hands of negative mental health. Other healthy habits like exercising and eating can also be disrupted.

2.    Relationships

When an adolescent faces a mental health challenge they often try to deny, ignore, or hide from their symptoms. This can cause a teen to isolate from loved ones, or even lash out at the people who may be trying to help them better manage their symptoms. A teenager’s mental health greatly impacts their ability to develop trust, negotiate and compromise, which are essential to a good relationship.

3.    Academics

Your child’s academics can also suffer at the hands of a mental illness. Not only can their grades and academic performance become negatively impacted, but their desire to learn and grow can be minimized. Often, teenagers with a mental health challenge avoid school, or refuse to participate in group activities that may be essential to learning. Early detection of mental health concerns leads to improved academic achievement and reduced disruptions at school, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

4.    Self-Awareness

When a teenager experiences good mental health, they are more likely to have a positive self-perception. This means they have realistic and healthy views of themself and are able to acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses. With the development of healthy coping skills, adolescents gain the ability to become more attuned to their emotions and thoughts. When a teenager is left with an untreated mental health challenge, they are less likely to reflect on the consequences of their actions and choices.

5.    Behaviors/Actions

Many teens struggling with mental illness may not know where to turn to help them relieve their symptoms. Unfortunately, some adolescents turn to unhealthy coping strategies, like abusing drugs or alcohol, as a means to temporarily relieve their symptoms which only negatively hurts themselves and their mental illness even more. When families prioritize mental health, their children are more likely to make responsible decisions and self-manage behaviors.

Looking for Teen Mental Health Treatment?

You should never feel ashamed or afraid to ask for help when it comes to getting your child the mental health treatment they need. Timing is critical when it comes to psychiatric and therapeutic intervention. The longer you delay treatment the more likely it is that your child could develop unhealthy coping skills, become isolated and have a negative view of life.

Embrace U’s outpatient programs revolve around group therapy sessions, where adolescents share their struggles in a safe, supportive environment. We also incorporate individual and family therapy to help your child quickly recover from a mental health challenge. We are committed to helping teens and children aged 10-18 improve their mental health so they live healthier and happier. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your road to recovery.

Get a Free Care Assessment

Embrace U is an evidence-based, outpatient therapy provider designed to help people ages 10-18 gain control over the symptoms of a mental illness. Most participants experience significant symptom reduction in just four weeks.

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All calls are confidential and we do not share your information with any third parties.


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