Teen Mental Health Crisis: A Parent’s Guide

Teen Mental Health Crisis: A Parent’s Guide

Around 10% of children and teens worldwide have a mental health condition, and these rates have only escalated in the last decade. Some experts are even calling it a mental health crisis. A number of mental health challenges may first appear sometime before adulthood. Common conditions include anxiety, depression, ADHD and behavioral issues. In fact, nearly half of mental health problems begin during childhood and adolescence. So, how do you as a parent help your teen navigate their mental health?

The key is understanding what your teen is dealing with and offering support as they learn how to handle their mental health challenges. However, you don’t have to figure this out on your own. If your teen has a mental health condition, the right treatment and support can help them learn how to thrive in their everyday life.

Contributing factors for mental health conditions

There are many factors that can contribute to or heighten your teen’s mental health challenges. Many of these things don’t pose a significant issue for their mental health in small amounts, but too much of any one stressor can put unnecessary pressure on your teenager. And higher stress levels often coincide with higher mental health challenges. Some of the stressors that may negatively impact your teen’s mental health include:

  • Academic pressures
  • Social pressures, including bullying
  • Family issues such as unsupportive parents, financial instability, abuse and more
  • A packed academic and social calendar
  • Overuse of social media
  • Poor sleep habits
  • Unhealthy food choices
  • Romantic relationships
  • Substance use

Teens have a lot of stressors in their lives, both socially and academically. In fact, one study found that teenagers may be more stressed than adults. Long-term stress can increase the risk of developing mental health challenges, so it’s important for you and your teen to identify areas in their life that are stressors for them. Once you know what stressors are putting pressure on your teen, it’s easier to address those challenges.

How to help your teen through a mental health crisis

If your teen is struggling with a mental health condition, one of the most important things you can offer them is your support. Here are a few practical ways you can walk alongside your teen as they work toward better mental health:

  • Encourage them to seek therapy — There’s a lot of stigma around mental health conditions and therapy. Indeed, many people who deal with mental health challenges don’t seek out therapy or other treatments due to stigma. So, if you want to support your teen, encourage them to get the help that they need. Therapy and other treatment programs can help your teen develop skills to deal positively with their mental health conditions.
  • Communicate regularly — It’s essential to be a safe place for your teen to come to when they have questions or issues. Show your teen that they can talk to you about anything by listening to them and giving them opportunities to communicate with you. If your teenager knows they have a safe person who will listen to their issues without judgment, they’re more likely to come to you in a time of need. Be a safe place for them to talk about their mental health struggles.
  • Model healthy coping skills — Children often imitate how their parents behave. This includes coping skills to help regulate mental health. When you show your teen how you handle disruptions to your mental health in a positive way, they’re more likely to imitate those positive behaviors. If you’re wondering about how to be more intentional in modeling healthy coping skills to your teen, here are a few questions to think over.
  • What coping skills do I use to improve my mental health?
  • When can I demonstrate healthy coping skills to my teen?
  • How can I help them develop their own coping skills?

The more you include healthy coping skills in your everyday life, the more your teen will see how they can do that, too. You can set a positive example for your teen and show them how you cope with mental health challenges.

As a parent, you can walk alongside your teen through their mental health journey and help them get the support they need. At Embrace U, our varying levels of treatment allow us to meet our clients and their families where they are. 
We want to help you and your teen develop the skills you need to address their mental health conditions and help them find real solutions beyond their regular therapy sessions. If your child is dealing with a mental health crisis, contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

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Embrace U is an evidence-based, outpatient therapy provider designed to help people ages 10-18 gain control over the symptoms of a mental illness. Most participants experience significant symptom reduction in just four weeks.

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