What Are the Best Ways to Manage Anxiety in Adolescents?

What Are the Best Ways to Manage Anxiety in Adolescents?

What Are the Best Ways to Manage Anxiety in Adolescents?

More than 30% of adolescents report struggling with an anxiety disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Anxiety, if left untreated, can significantly interfere with your health. Anxiety can harm virtually all aspects of a young person’s life, from fracturing relationships with friends and family members to interfering with school performance. While stress is normal, if your teen is constantly stressed and worried, they may be struggling with anxiety. If your teen is struggling with anxiety, they don’t have to struggle alone. Embrace U offers comprehensive mental health treatment to children between the ages of 10-18. We offer outpatient programs that support adolescents and their families as they receive professional help to better manage their symptoms and get back to leading a happier, healthier life. Whether your child is struggling with anxiety, depression, or another mental health disorder, we offer a range of mental health services to help.

Contact our mental health treatment center in Tennessee to learn more about how we can help your child overcome anxiety.

5 Best Ways to Manage Anxiety in Children

If your child is struggling with anxiety, they shouldn’t have to suffer in silence. Below are several remedies for anxiety in adolescents, from alternative remedies to more traditional treatments that can help them better manage their symptoms. 

Seek Professional Help

It’s important to consider seeking professional mental health treatment to better manage the debilitating symptoms anxiety can produce. Although anxiety can not be “cured,” seeking professional treatment for adolescent anxiety can significantly help your child improve their symptoms. From doing one-on-one talk therapy to attending group therapy sessions, there is a range of adolescent anxiety treatment options available. In some cases children may be prescribed certain medications to help better manage their symptoms. 

Healthy Lifestyle Changes

For adolescents struggling with mild forms of anxiety, it’s essential to practice healthy lifestyle habits to help naturally reduce anxiety symptoms. This includes exercising, getting quality sleep, and eating a well-balanced diet. Prioritizing a healthy lifestyle will not only improve their physical wellness but also improve their mood and overall well-being.

Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness exercises like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises are more remedies for anxiety that can be highly effective in reducing symptoms. For example, if your child is experiencing heightened anxiety symptoms, they can practice deep breathing exercises to help gain a sense of calmness.

Question Their Thinking 

Engage your child in a heartfelt conversation, inviting them to share the thoughts that are troubling them and causing distress. For instance, they might express thoughts about failure or being made fun of. By delving into their inner thoughts, you gain insight into their mental landscape, paving the way for collaborative problem-solving.

Once you’re aware of their self-limiting beliefs, it’s time to collaboratively uncover more rational and constructive thoughts. Employing thought-provoking queries, gently nudge them to reassess their situation from a fresh perspective. Encourage independent analysis with questions like, “Have you ever encountered a test or class setback before?” or “What strategies have you successfully employed in the past to ace tests? Can you apply them now?”

These inquiries stimulate critical thinking, enabling your children to evaluate evidence objectively and arrive at their own conclusions. The power of self-realization surpasses mere external reassurances from parents, teachers, or peers. It empowers them to challenge and reshape their thoughts organically.

Boost Their Confidence

Involve your child in various household tasks that not only reinforce their sense of responsibility within the family unit but also nurture their self-assurance. Present them with occasions to confront challenges head-on. Remember, directing your appreciation towards their endeavor itself, rather than fixating solely on outcomes, can make a substantial difference.

Should they encounter obstacles, gently guide them by prompting a recollection of the skills they’ve effectively applied in similar situations that were helpful. This approach not only reinforces their ability to surmount challenges but also encourages introspection, leading to a deeper understanding of their own capabilities.

Leading Adolescent Anxiety Treatment Center

Now you know more about the different ways to address anxiety in adolescents, you can try to help your child better manage their anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders among adolescents, and yet many children struggle alone with their anxiety symptoms. If your child is struggling with anxiety that is negatively affecting their health and quality of life, it’s important you seek professional treatment for adolescent anxiety so they can lead a happier, healthier life.

Embrace U is an adolescent mental health clinic in Tennesee for chidlren ages 10-18 who struggle with anxiety, depression and other behavioral challenges. Embrace U offers a range of comprehensive treatment options so patients can receive care tailored to their unique recovery needs. Whether your child is struggling with anxiety or another mental disorder, our compassionate staff is here to help you every step of the way along your road to recovery.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help your teen lead a healthier, happier life today. 

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Embrace U is an evidence-based, outpatient therapy provider designed to help people ages 10-18 gain control over the symptoms of a mental illness. Most participants experience significant symptom reduction in just four weeks.

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