The Importance of Mental Health in Students

The Importance of Mental Health in Students

The Importance of Mental Health in Students

About one-third of high school students experience poor mental health, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Poor mental health can be described as alterations in thinking, mood, or behaviors associated with distress and/or impaired function. Unfortunately, many children and teens struggle to handle the stress of growing up, including the pressure to do well in school, fit in with their peers, and adhere to certain social expectations. These stressors, along with physical changes that young people go through can take a toll on their mental health and well-being. Not only can a decline in mental health impact their grades, but it can negatively impact virtually all areas of a student’s life. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of mental health in students.

If your child is experiencing a decline in mental health, help is available! At Embrace U, we provide adolescent mental health care in Brentwood for children and teens to live happier, healthier lives. Most participants in our program have tried one-on-one therapy and need a higher level of treatment. We understand that no two patient recovery journeys are ever the same. That’s why we offer two outpatient programs – intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization, along with customized treatment plans based on your child’s diagnosis and goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how you can improve your mental health and well-being. 

“Mental health is a state of well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn and work well, and contribute to their community.”

  • World Health Organization

5 Reasons Student Mental Health Is So Important

The mental health of a student is important, yet often overlooked. Some of the most common teen mental disorders can cause severe symptoms that lower a child’s ability to complete daily tasks and impact their grades. Mental health challenges can affect a student’s concentration, optimism, energy level, and dependability. Poor mental health can raise a student’s risk of drug use, experiencing violence, or becoming isolated, according to the CDC. Here’s a look at the impacts good mental health practices can have on a young person.

  1. Improved Well-Being & Quality of Life

A student’s mental health impacts their overall quality of life, for better or worse. When a student experiences good mental health it typically improves their physical health, as well as how they view themselves and the people around them. They are more open to learning, adapting, and expressing themselves.

Unfortunately, many students have a difficult time not only differentiating between a bad day and chronic stress but also recognizing that they don’t have to suffer through symptoms of a mental health challenge alone. There are support groups and treatment options that can help adolescents who are struggling with their mental health. 

  1. Improved Relationships

A young person’s mental health also impacts their personal and professional relationships at home and school. From family members to friends and teachers, students interact with a variety of people each day. It’s important to keep and maintain those close connections to thrive in life. However, if a student’s mental health is declining, this can lead to fractured relationships, especially among loved ones. Therefore, another reason a student’s mental health is important is to preserve their social relationships. 

  1. Improved School Performance

A student’s mental health impacts their academic performance. For example, if a student is chronically stressed this can lead to focus issues and burnout, making them less productive in school. Symptoms of a mental disorder can impact not just their grades, but their education as they progress throughout their academic career. Many students with untreated mental health challenges refuse to go to school.

It’s normal for a student to feel some stress, but if they are constantly experiencing extreme stress, they must implement healthy coping strategies to manage their stress levels. Otherwise, their school performance and overall education may suffer. 

  1. Reduced Risk of Engaging in Risky Behavior

When a student is experiencing good mental health they are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. Using healthy coping skills and strategies they are more likely to resist negative impulses, peer pressure, or do things to seek attention. 

Students struggling with poor mental health may also be at risk for engaging in riskier behavior, acting on impulse, or seeking sensations. This can be a student’s attempt at trying to relieve their negative mental health symptoms. Unfortunately, engaging in risky behavior can not only develop into an addiction but is extremely bad for your overall health and well-being. 

  1. Stability and Increased Self-Esteem 

Feeling confident about ourselves and our actions can lead us to have a more positive outlook on life. Building self-esteem is crucial to a young person’s development. Feeling loved and supported can help boost a student’s self-esteem. If a student is in a poor mental state, this can reduce their sense of self and overall self-esteem which can drastically hurt a student’s development as a person. 

It’s important to understand the signs that a child needs behavioral therapy, and the steps to support them. A mental health disorder is not something a child will grow out of. They’ll need professional help and guidance to develop healthy coping skills.   

Top-Rated Adolescent Mental Health Treatment 

Now you know more about the importance of mental health in students. Mental health and well-being impact virtually all areas of a student’s life from grades to relationships, to their own self-image. If your child is experiencing mental health struggles that negatively impact their health and quality of life, you must seek professional mental health treatment so they can better manage their symptoms.

At Embrace U, we have helped many children and teens improve their mental health and well-being and lead happier, healthier lives. We offer comprehensive outpatient programs to help you not only better manage your mental illness symptoms but also increase your self-confidence. Ready to start your road to recovery? Contact us today!

Get a Free Care Assessment

Embrace U is an evidence-based, outpatient therapy provider designed to help people ages 10-18 gain control over the symptoms of a mental illness. Most participants experience significant symptom reduction in just four weeks.

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