Embrace U’s Adolescent Mental Health Programs Now In Network with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee

Embrace U’s Adolescent Mental Health Programs Now In Network with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Adolescent Mental Health Provider

BRENTWOOD, TENN., Feb. 1, 2024 — Embrace U, an adolescent mental health clinic offering intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs, is now in network with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. This new insurance agreement helps Embrace U extend its reach, providing more Middle Tennessee families with affordable access to psychiatric treatment and therapy for children ages 10 to 18 who are experiencing mental health challenges.

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee has more than 3.4 million members, works with 54,000 providers, and serves about 12,000 employer groups. Patients covered by BlueCross can participate in Embrace U’s outpatient treatment programs without the stress of out-of-network costs.

“Our agreement with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee reflects our commitment to providing the Middle Tennessee community with high-quality behavioral healthcare,” said J.R. Greene, chief executive officer of Embrace U’s parent company, Psychiatric Medical Care. “With commercial payers like BlueCross BlueShield on board, we’re in a better position to help improve the lives of adolescents who suffer from the symptoms of mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Embrace U is a place for families to find healing and hope.

Embrace U’s programs immerse participants in a supportive, nurturing environment. Participants come to Embrace U at least three times a day for individual and group therapy. A board-certified psychiatrist and psychiatric providers offer collaborative care. Parents can attend Embrace U’s support groups and stay in communication with their child’s primary therapist during the treatment program.

Get a Free Care Assessment

Embrace U is an evidence-based, outpatient therapy provider designed to help people ages 10-18 gain control over the symptoms of a mental illness. Most participants experience significant symptom reduction in just four weeks.

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