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In the broadest sense, anxiety is an intense fear, worry or dread. These feelings are often connected to a specific situation, event or thought. While these emotions are all typical in moderation, they can become excessive. As a teenager, if you notice yourself feeling intense feelings of stress or worry all the time, these feelings
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Everyone has a different mental health journey, and the solutions that work for one person may not work for another. This is true for children, teens and adults. As a parent or caregiver, it can be difficult to see your teen struggling with their mental health. It can also be frustrating when traditional treatments like
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Chronic anxiety can be especially challenging for teens who are grappling with the complexities of adolescence. If your teen is experiencing excessive or irrational anxiety that interferes with their daily life you should consider talking with a behavioral health expert. It’s important to get the right type of support and guidance to help manage symptoms
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Are you concerned that your teen may have depression? If your teen is dealing with the symptoms of depression, it is important to be proactive. Taking the right steps can help ensure that your teen gets the support they need. Not sure whether your child is showing signs of depression? By learning more about the
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Join Embrace U and mental health advocates across Middle Tennessee on Wednesday, May 22 by wearing green to show your support for mental health. Let's turn Williamson County green and help raise awareness about mental health conditions, treatments, and the professionals who help those experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.All
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The length of time that a teenager should be in therapy depends on several factors including their diagnosis, response to treatment, at-home support, and their connection with the therapist. It’s normal for parents to wonder how long it will take to see a significant reduction in symptoms of a mental health condition and a positive
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Jessica Lavender, a licensed professional counselor, and administrator at Embrace U, talked with Lydia Thompson on the podcast "Counselor Off The Clock" about enabling vs. helping adolescents with a mental health condition and how symptom accommodation can actually make things worse. This might include keeping a child home from school as a way to manage
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The idea of starting therapy can be unsettling for teenagers, especially if they are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition like anxiety or depression. When a parent suggests that their teen needs to see a therapist it can trigger a range of reactions, from relief to shame or even defiance. Convincing teenagers to see
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It’s common for teenagers in need of mental health treatment to start with one-on-one weekly therapy sessions. But when should parents consider more intensive treatment? We talked with local therapists about when to consider more acute interventions such as an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or partial hospitalization program (PHP). They provided insight into the signs
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Depression is one of the most treatable mental disorders. When it comes to teen depression, treatment options range from one-on-one therapy to hospitalization. More than 80% of people diagnosed with depression respond well to treatment, and almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms, according to the American Psychiatric Association. Depression is one of
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Recognizing the symptoms of teen depression can be difficult. It’s estimated that 16% of children ages 12 to 17 will experience at least one episode of major depressive disorder, according to Mental Health America. If left untreated, teen depression can have a range of adverse mental and physical effects from interfering with their grades and
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There are essentially two recommended levels of treatment for children and teens experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of a mental health disorder — residential treatment (hospitalization), and structured outpatient programs. Identifying the appropriate level of treatment for a mental health disorder depends on the diagnosis, severity of symptoms, and treatment goals. Let’s explore the differences
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