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Panic attacks, also known as panic disorder, can have an immense and paralyzing impact on teens, as well as leave their family members and friends feeling worried and helpless. To gain an understanding of panic attacks and how best to treat them, we will explore their possible causes and help identify when professional help may
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As a parent, it can be difficult to know how best to support your child through the teenage years. Self-care is an essential part of maintaining good mental and physical health for teens, but often they struggle with learning proper self-care practices. This article will help you understand what self-care means, why it's important, and
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As today's teens and adolescents face growing pressures, it’s now more relevant than ever to understand the importance of good mental health. Many young people find themselves struggling with their mental well-being due to a wide range of factors, such as family dynamics, school stressors, or an inability to effectively manage their emotions. These and
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Being a teenager is challenging and often difficult. During the teen years, both brain and body development expand at an enormous rate. This exponential development, coupled with increased academic and family expectations as well as increased peer and social media pressures, teens have a proverbial full plate. While many young people can navigate the difficulty of
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When you are a teenager, experiencing anxiety is par for the course. As we know, teenagers go through tremendous growth in their brains and bodies. When coupled with increased family responsibilities, academic expectations and peer pressure, young people often feel overwhelmed with life. While many teenagers are able to deal with the pressures of everyday
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When a Family Member Dies by Suicide embrace U wants to remind you that suicide affects millions of people yearly. Suicide is an important topic close to us at embrace U. It is part of one of our team member’s reasons for working in the mental health field. Today, we share her experience with you. Sydney Freeman’s
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"He never listens!" "She won't clean her room. I have asked 100 times!" As a parent, these complaints might sound familiar. When your child doesn't listen to you, you can find yourself flooded with feelings of frustration and anger. What once was a simple request becomes a full-blown argument in a matter of minutes. Parent-child
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