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“Is it laziness or depression?” This is a question many parents ask themselves when their teenager spends long periods in isolation, withdraws from face-to-face interactions, or experiences an academic decline. They might withdraw into video games or online communities, stop doing their homework, or try to avoid school. But what’s the difference, and how do
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Dealing with depression isn’t easy, but it can be even more challenging to try to manage it on your own. It can be helpful to have a support system to help you deal with your symptoms of depression, but if you don’t share that you’re struggling, the people who care about you won’t know that
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Learning to manage anxiety disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be a challenge, especially if you feel like the people around you don't really understand your condition. You may struggle to open up and share details about your mental health with others, even with the people closest to you. Though you may not want to talk
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As a teen, managing your mental health can be hard. Sometimes, it can be even harder to open up about your experiences. However, telling others about your thoughts, feelings and behaviors is vital to getting help. Self-harm is a serious issue, and it should not be faced alone. Are you thinking about telling your parents
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Having a teen with anxiety can be challenging. As a parent or caregiver, you may be unsure about the next steps to take. When it comes to helping your teen, knowledge is power. Getting a better understanding of how anxiety impacts teens can help you offer more effective support. It can also help to learn
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As a parent concerned about their teen’s mental health, it can be hard to know how to help your child. Teen mental health treatments come in many varieties, and not all treatment strategies will be right for your teen. Finding a good treatment option can be especially difficult if your teen has not found success
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Are you concerned that your teen may be depressed? Depression is a serious mental health condition characterized by overwhelming and long-lasting negative thoughts and emotions. As a mood condition, depression has significant effects on a person’s emotional state. In addition to emotional distress, depression can also lead to a range of other symptoms. Understanding the
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When it comes to addressing mental health concerns in teenagers, suicide prevention is a top priority. If you believe your teen is at risk of harming themselves or others, it’s important to take immediate action. You can call or text the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline to get support right away. As a parent, taking
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Traumatic events can impact people of any age. Though post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often thought of as something only adults deal with, children, adolescents and teenagers can experience it as well. By late adolescence, approximately two-thirds of youth have experienced trauma, and by age 18, 8% of those traumatized people will have met enough
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Separation anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders in children, accounting for nearly half of referrals for anxiety-based mental health treatment. It’s fairly typical for younger children to experience separation anxiety to some extent. For infants and young toddlers, it’s even considered a normal stage of development. However, when it comes to
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Teenagers often have to deal with confusing and frustrating changes to their bodies, minds and emotions as they grow up. For teens struggling with mood disorders such as borderline personality disorder, those changes can be much more intense. It’s estimated that borderline personality disorder affects between 0.9% and 3% of teenagers. That is similar to the
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It’s expected that children and their parents will clash from time to time. But if your teen is consistently exhibiting a pattern of anger, irritability and defiance, there may be a deeper issue.  Oppositional defiant disorder is a behavior condition where a teen displays a continuing pattern of uncooperative, defiant and even hostile conduct for longer
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