September 2024

September 5, 2024

How to Handle Thoughts of Self-Harm

Are you experiencing thoughts of self-harm? These thoughts often arise when a person has trouble controlling, expressing or understanding their emotions. Inflicting pain on yourself can […]
September 4, 2024

Complicated Grief Explained: What Is It and How Can Treatment Help?

The loss of a loved one can be more than just a sad, heartbreaking event. Losing someone you love can be a traumatic experience. In the […]
September 2, 2024

How an Intensive Outpatient Program Can Help Teens Manage Anger Issues

Are you worried about your teen’s mental health due to their anger issues? As a parent, watching your child deal with seemingly uncontrollable anger can be […]
September 1, 2024

4 Symptoms of Disruptive Mood in Teens

Are you concerned that your teen may be experiencing the symptoms of a mood disorder or another mental health condition? If you’re noticing extreme shifts in […]